Welcome to the first Laughing Club Time to Laugh in Bermuda! It is fun and it is free.
It is a very difficult time now. Laughing is one of the best ways to cope with anxiety and stress. You will learn how to feel better with wonderful Laughter Therapy.
We will do simple laughter and breathing exercises, dance, laugh, smile together to feel happy, elevate mood, reduce anxiety and stress, cope with sadness, boost the immune system, and feel like a child again. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh.
Where: under the Laughing Tree at the Botanical Gardens, from the main entrance on the right.
In case of rain, we meet at the Masterworks museum at the Botanical Gardens.

When: every Saturday at noon.
Laurie \”Nina London has been instrumental in encouraging all the participants to look forward to a brighter future and implement simple laughing techniques to make our difficult days bright and easier ones through the sharing and learning to breathe and laugh through them.\”
Catherine “Nina, thank you very much. It was so much fun to experience laughing and not realizing we laughed for an hour. It\’s an honor to celebrate your very first event and look forward to many more.”
Lisa “It was quite fun being with like minds. I laughed at myself on my way home too as I had to run down my hill, in the rain. I was laughing and it brought back priceless memories from my childhood as I grew up on the same street.”
Tamra \”It was a lovely afternoon, so glad I was able to attend the club to laugh and dance in such a beautiful setting.\”