Nina London

My name is Nina London, I am a founder of the Mermaid Wellness Center for women in Bermuda. I believe that we all have power to improve our wellbeing, to become more energetic, active, positive, and balanced. 

Our mission is to help, to teach, and to motivate women over 40 who have a strong desire to feel better and are ready to take a first step. You are not alone. I am here to support you in your wonderful transformation journey. 

Qi Gong Meditation Laughter yoga

My name is Nina London, I am a fonder of Mermaid Wellness Center for women in Bermuda. I believe that we all have power to change and improve our wellbeing, to became more energetic, active, positive, and balanced. My mission is to help, teach, and motivate women over 40 who desire to feel better and are ready to take a first step. You are not alone! I am here to support you in your wonderful transformation journey.

Allow your body, mind and soul sense a haven of tranquility

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Qi Gong (energy work) is an ancient 5000 years old Chinese practice system that combines fluid movements harmonized with deep breathing, postures, and focused intention.

Laughing Yoga

You will learn how to stay positive with wonderful Laughter Yoga. We will do simple laughter exercises and deep breathing to feel happy, elevate mood, reduce anxiety and stress, cope with sadness, and boost immune system.


Together we will start a powerful journey of using ancient wisdom of the Inner Smile and the Six Healing Sounds meditations to calm your mind, transform negative emotions (fears, sadness, anxiety, anger) into positive ones.

Qi Gong for Women

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Rediscover your radiant health and positive energy using empowering self-healing Qi Gong practices with signature Nina London classes.


Calming the Waters

Qi Gong moving and breathing meditation signature class will help you to came yourself down, cope with stress and relieve anxiety, connect your mind and body and balance them together, release negative emotions and tension that are held inside you. You will feel peaceful and relaxed after the class. It can even help put a smile on your face.  

Healing Vibes

This class I designed for cancer patients, survivors, their families and caregivers. It will help you to stay strong, energetic and optimistic during difficult times. You will learn how to restore energy during and after cancer treatments, to cope with stress, and release negative emotions (fear, worries, anger, and sadness).

Time to Laugh

In this class we will do simple laughing and deep breathing exercises. We will also dance! Our bodies cannot differentiate between real laughter and forced laughter. If you just keep laughing, endorphins flood the body and stress and anxiety recedes. Nothing works faster to feel much happier than a good laugh.


Flying Dragon

In this practical, creative, imaginative, non-competitive atmosphere program children will learn and practice Qi Gong movements, breathing and meditation in a playful way using The Five Animal Frolics. Kids will have a chance to be active and will learn how to be still. They will practice how to calm their minds, relax and release tension in their bodies, be focused and concentrated.

in 7 minutes

in 7 minutes

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Clear your mind with ancient Chi Gong breathing and moving meditation practice designed to help you to cope with stress

About Nina London

Six years ago, I was the happiest woman on the planet. I was living in beautiful Bermuda and was ready to start a new career as a Wellness Coach. I was going to get married to a wonderful man. Healthy, toned, active, energetic, and cheerful, I laughed at my age. I was 52 years old.

Two weeks before my wedding, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer, stage 3. In this one brutal moment, my entire life was split into two parts: before and after. 

It was my choice not to be a victim of my situation, but a winner. I wanted   not only survive, but thrive. I began to search, to learn, to practice the ways to improve my health and regain my energy. 

My healing journey was long and arduous, but also truly powerful and transformational. 

From these ashes, like the Phoenix, I slowly unfolded wings I never knew I had and flew high above the ruins of my dreams. I grew into a strong, happy and confident woman that have experience, passion, and knowledge to help other women. 

About Nina London

Clients words

«I recently took Nina's classes and it was a truly unique and transformative experience. The small class size allowed for personal attention and guidance from Nina, who was fully committed to teaching and leading calming techniques. The breathtaking beach setting added to the overall ambiance and created a special bond between classmates.”
Sandra, Bermuda
“Using breathing techniques has been extremely helpful in my daily use. Recently I had to have a MRI done and the machine broke down in the middle of my test, and my normal reaction was panic. I quickly remembered that these are the times that I could use the breathing techniques that I had been taught by Nina.I calmly began breathing in through the nose holding the breath and slowly releasing the breath from my mouth, I repeated this over and over until I realized I was concentrating on my refreshed breathing and not the stress that I was finding myself under.”
Lisa, Bermuda

Nina’s Book

From Siberia to Bermuda

I am like a rolling stone trying so many continents and countries during my life. It is inexplicable why I have such an irresistible desire for change and the unknown. I would often question myself, “Why am I doing this?” There was no guarantee that I would survive, let alone be successful. But, I kept going and didn’t look back. I kept listening and trusting my inner voice and had great faith and unshakeable confidence that I was doing the right things. 


Life begins at 50

Nina London column at the Royall Gazette Bermuda

Capturing the essence of a place

“Which single image would capture the essence of Thailand for you?” I asked Bill.

We were walking yesterday under the lush green canopy of the ancient, towering trees at Tao Garden, a retreat centre in the wild mountains near the Golden Triangle, where Burma Thailand And Laos converge at the mighty Mekong River.




'Next year I will win’

“528! Your turn to jump!” The echo of the megaphone rang in my ears. I looked out from the dock at Harrington Sound.

Below me bobbed a dozen orange swim caps. I could hear the noisy crowd at the Aquarium behind me, and I slid my goggles down over my eyes, and leapt into space.

When I was a young girl growing up in Siberia I was a competitive swimmer. Every afternoon was spent doing countless laps in a regulation size pool.

Ancient practice offers women a boost in sexual energy

In Thailand, Nina London is helping women improve their sexual energy through qigong.

The former columnist for The Royal Gazette began teaching classes two years ago at Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort in Chiang Mai, the place she and her husband, Bill Rosser, call home each winter.

“It’s amazing energy and it’s totally different from writing, of course, but it’s connecting with people and helping them,” she said




Putin invasion brought ‘year of unity and hope’ to Ukraine

“Dear Nina, I only now fully understand your passionate messages to us during your live online broadcasts. You keep telling us over and over to appreciate every moment of our lives and cherish our loved ones; how life is precious and everything could drastically change in just one second. Well, now I understand how happy we were back then.”

The power of the mermaid circle

What is love? It is an irresistible radiant energy that lights us up, gives us strength and lets us fly.

My husband, Bill, has this beautiful gift to love, and he shines its light on me every day.

In the wild mountains of Northern Thailand, I stand in the early morning sun, practising the graceful moves I learnt over the years from masters in the ancient art of Chi Gong.

London to open wellness centre for women

What is one of the images that come to mind when you hear the word Thailand?

For many people it’s a massage. Thailand’s are world-famous; the epitome of relaxation.

You would never think about doing it with a hammer, right?

Just before Christmas last year, Bill and I went to celebrate at Tao Garden, a spiritual retreat nestled amid the vibrant green rice fields and wild mountains of northern Thailand, where we live during the winter.

Keeping the flame alive

How to keep the flame of love alive after years together as a couple?

Romance, affection, support … there are so many aspects, but one that is rarely mentioned among all the wellness and self-help advice is something Bill and I discovered in the very early days of our relationship 11 years ago: adventure.

Sing your heart out, even if you can’t carry a tune

The Great Sound was calm and still as a mirror. The sun was peeping over the horizon and the indigo of twilight crept west with a scattering of stars before the brilliance of the newborn day.

I sat peacefully in my kayak, a stone’s throw from our little whitewashed cottage on Cavello Bay. I took a deep breath and, in blissful disregard of my sleeping neighbours, sang opera as powerfully as any diva on a world stage.

Put your best foot forward and enjoy the journey

The morning sun fell gently on my upturned face. I felt the fleeting caress of the wind off the sea, and tasted mild salt on my lips. My eyes were closed, the smell of the strong black coffee from the cup on my windowsill beckoned, and I could not resist.

I surfaced reluctantly from my morning meditation, perched on a chair and facing the endless curve of the South Shore’s turquoise arc. I took a deep sip and looked out at the surging sea as it foamed over the living reefs below our home.

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