My articles
Being active
It is not necessary to go to the gym in order to stay active. If you like to do it – it is great. If you don\’t – there are so many other options to stay active. Swimming, running, walking, doing yoga, dancing, kayaking, playing tennis, you name it. What is important to do it …
The first step to a new you
It is summertime! It is a happy time! It is a beaching time! It is my favorite time because I can dive into the exquisite ocean that surrounds us on every shore. I love to swim in the turquoise sea, struggling with the current, fighting with the waves to the far reefs off Elbow Beach. …
Remember, you are the sculptor of your life
When I think of time I imagine it as a river. A river of my life. It could flow quietly and smoothly and I would remain calm in the cozy, stagnant harbor of everyday life and hesitate to step in. Days pass by, measured and mundane, and nothing changes. Or, I can boldly rush into …
To find a happy child in you
Ice skating – from Siberia to Bermuda I went ice skating at the new rink in St George’s. How unusual, exotic and beautiful! I was so ecstatic, I felt like a child again — careless, enthusiastic, full of energy and laughter! I bravely tried to jump and did not even think that I could fall. …
Waving goodbye to this year’s troubles
Christmas spirit For me, the Christmas spirit begins with the wonderful moment when we bring the Christmas tree to the house. This green forest beauty, fragrant and still alive, is a beloved guest in our home. It soon transforms into a respected fairy queen, dressed up by loving hands with a gorgeous, colorful and sparkling …
During chemo, surround yourself with positivity
The first rules, which I have mastered going through my cancer battle are to be active, proactive and never give up. Read the scientific literature about your diagnosis, educate yourself, search for the best doctors, consult with all possible professionals, seek and find a second, third, fourth opinion. Think hard, analyze, decide what is the …
Dancing in the middle of a Miami bridge
On a Friday night, my husband and I were driving with a friend in Miami rush-hour traffic. We were in a dense and swift stream of cars rushing along the Biscayne Bay Bridge. Everyone was in a hurry to get out of the stuffy city. I closed my eyes and imagined the long-awaited meeting with …
The moment my life was turned upside down
It was a sunny August morning. I was sitting in the doctor’s office in Vancouver, waiting for my gynecologists test results and happily chatting on the phone with my fiancé. We talked about my trip to meet him the next day, and our upcoming wedding the day after on a spectacular island in the wilderness …
Being curious keeps you young – ask my mum
Young and curious soul My cheerful and active 79-year-old mother came to visit me here in Bermuda for the first time. She saw the island, and fell in love with it like a young girl. It was love at first sight — pure, reckless, all-consuming, enthusiastic and happy. The island dazzled her with its beaches …